Our Space - The Endo Articles Retreat

An interview with Chloe Borrelli, Our Space 2024 Attendee and South Australian Ambassador

Could you share a bit about your journey with endometriosis and how it led you to connect with Endo Articles?

I was diagnosed with Endometriosis when I was 15 on symptoms alone by the only specialist in South Australia (at the time). Reflecting now, it was radical and lifesaving that she was able to diagnose me at such a young age and without doing a laparoscopy. At the appointment, she did recommend undergoing a laparoscopy but my mum and I were so shocked, stunned and completely confused regarding this disease we never heard of, that I did not do the laparoscopy until much later in life. I remember my first period when I was ten. It was a throbbing pain that would not subside. I was scared and embarrassed. I did not know what to say to friends on the excursion or how to explain what I was feeling. From my first period to diagnosis, I was in constant pain each month including before and after the period. I remember having heavy bleeds, bleeding through my pad, underwear, bikeshorts and school dress. I would get my grandmother to pick me up each month as I could not bear to be at school when having a period.

Reflecting now, the diagnosis saved my life. It was not the ordinary course, in that usually women are receiving a diagnosis after about 6 years of exploration with doctors and constantly self advocating. I was alone for a long time. No one had even heard of Endometriosis! I was in denial for many years, turning away any medical help or otherwise. I self medicated and when the pain became too intense, underwent a laparoscopy at twenty-two with stage 1 Endometriosis located. I then took my Endometriosis health extremely seriously. I built a small community to ensure no one felt alone as I did for so many years and not to be ashamed of the disease but to embrace its flaws and walk alongside it. 

At 27 I was told that my AMH was low and had to consider freezing my eggs. Again, the isolating feeling of being totally alone. I did not know anyone who had frozen their eggs. This was when I came across @endoarticles.

What inspired you to attend the OUR SPACE retreat, and what were your initial expectations?

I wanted to meet women from around Australia with Endometriosis so we could share our stories in a judgment free zone. I wanted to make new friendships in different states and hear their stories. I wanted to learn from each woman and in turn, I hoped that I could help a newly diagnosed woman navigate the overwhelming feelings of suffering with the illness. I remember a breakthrough with my gynecologist. She said to me “you'll never be cured from the disease, so all you can do is manage it”. This resonated with me so strongly as I realized I did everything that I could possibly do to manage the disease eg/ GP appointments, Gynaecology appointments, Pelvic Floor Physio, diet, exercise, Psychologist, Botox, prescription medications, CBD…the list goes on! Once I got into a ‘health routine’ and found myself managing the disease, that was all I could do. It left me broken as I realized this is LIFE LONG. But with other warriors and sisters, we can share our stories and share this realization and work together to be better. 

Can you share a moment from the retreat that was particularly impactful for you?

The entire retreat was absolutely wonderful and it is so difficult to pick a highlight. I loved getting to know each woman and them just sharing their space with me and sharing their stories. I really enjoyed hanging out by the pool, talking and connecting with everyone. I enjoyed the skincare workshop and cooking class. I loved watching all the women getting their photos taken (even though I hate getting my photo taken) because I saw them all become empowered at their own beauty! I asked each woman after their photoshoot how they felt after and these were some of their answers: empowered, confident, tired, beautiful. 

I also loved the movie night. Admittedly, I picked a shit movie, Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants BUT it was great to have a laugh and watch the cringe moments together! 

How did connecting with others at the retreat who understand the journey of living with endometriosis affect you?

The storytelling. This was the most powerful part of the retreat. I felt honored that each woman who connected with me, shared their story in such an intimate way. I was so proud for some of the women to express their stories to the group. I have my own issues around crying in public but I wanted to burst into tears at each story! Each woman sharing was so powerful, bold and impactful. A particular memory I wont forget - one of the women and I were discussing her issues around intimacy and Endometriosis and she later wrote me a note in my journal that she had not shared that with anyone before. I felt overwhelmed with love that she chose to share that story with me an that she felt safe enough to do so. 

What would you say to someone newly diagnosed with endometriosis about becoming involved with Endo Articles?

Do it. You won’t regret it. You will get to meet so many incredible women who can understand what you are going through, and share your stories with them. Endo Articles offers community and support but also hope. The retreat was something I will never forget, and I can’t wait to get involved in more events in my State.


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